What is your motivation for enrolling in the Online Career Guide Program? (Check all that apply)
Please select a school in addition to your Metropolitan College status.
Career Clusters (Check all that apply)
Select the career cluster(s) related to your interests.
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
Arts, Audio/Video Technology, Design, and Media
Aviation Maintenance
Business Management and Administration
Community/Social Services
Customer Service
Education and Training
Government and Public Administration
Healthcare/Health Sciences
Hospitality/ Restaurant/Tourism
Human Resources
Information Technology
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
Marketing, Sales and Service
Research and Development
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Skilled Trades: Carpentry, HVAC, Plumbing, Welding, etc.
Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
Please select a school in addition to your Metropolitan College status.
A.) I understand that the career document(s) uploaded to this registration form must be reviewed and approved by a MC/CREW counselor before my information is submitted to the CareerGuide.
B.) I understand that my name, email address, and other career-related information will be shared with Career Guides for the purpose of matching students with CareerGuides for career advice.
C.) I acknowledge that I am participating in the MC CareerGuide Online Mentorship Program without any expectation that my participation in this program will lead to employment opportunities.
D.) I understand that I have a duty to keep all CareerGuide information confidential at all times, both during and after my participation in the MC CareerGuide Online Mentorship Program. Only with the CareerGuideās written permission may I share their contact information with others.
E.) I understand that failure to abide by the terms of this program may result in termination of my participation in MC CareerGuide Online Mentorship Program.